Share price-based incentive programs in which employees have the difference between the agreed price
and the actual share price settled in cash (cash-settled programs) are measured at fair value at the date of
grant and recognized under employee costs as and when the employees obtain the right to such difference
settlement. The cash-settled programs are subsequently remeasured on each balance sheet date and upon
final settlement, and any changes in the fair value of the programs are recognized under employee costs.
The offsetting item is recognized under liabilities until the time of the final settlement.
Retirement benefit obligations and similar obligations
Defined contribution plans
Payments to defined contribution plans are recognized in profit or loss at the due date, and any contributions
payable are recognized in the balance sheet under current liabilities.
Defined benefit plans
The present value of the Group's liabilities relating to future pension payments under defined benefit plans
is measured on an actuarial basis once a year on the basis of the pensionable period of employment up to
the time of the actuarial valuation. The calculation of present value is based on assumptions of future
developments of salary, interest, inflation, mortality and disability rates and other factors. Present value is
computed exclusively for the benefits to which the employees have earned entitlement through their
employment with Lundbeck. Pension expenses, finance costs and administration fees are recognized in
profit or loss under employee costs. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive
income as they are calculated and cannot subsequently be recycled through profit or loss.
The present value of the defined benefit plan liability is recognized less the fair value of the plan assets, and
any net obligation is recognized in the balance sheet under non-current liabilities. Any net asset is recognized
in the balance sheet as a financial asset, taking into consideration, where relevant, the provisions of IFRIC
14 The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction.
Provisions mainly consist of provisions for discounts and rebates, product returns, pending lawsuits and
restructuring. A provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount.
Unsettled discounts and rebates are recognized as provisions, when the timing or amount is uncertain.
Where absolute amounts are known, the discounts and rebates are recognized as trade payables.
Return obligations imposed on the Group are recognized as provisions in the balance sheet.
Amounts relating to pending lawsuits are recognized when the outflow is probable and the amount is
measured as the best estimate of the costs required to settle the liabilities at the balance sheet date.
In connection with restructurings in the Group, provisions are made only for liabilities set out in a specific
restructuring plan on the basis of which the parties affected can reasonably expect that the Group will carry
out the restructuring, either by starting to implement the plan or announcing its main components.
Bank debt and bond debt are recognized at the time of raising of the loan/issuing of the bonds at the fair
value of the proceeds received less transaction costs paid. In subsequent periods, the financial liabilities are
measured at amortized cost, which is equivalent to the capitalized value when the effective rate of interest is
used. The difference between the proceeds and the nominal value is recognized in profit or loss under
financial income or financial expenses over the loan period.
Other payables
Other payables include contingent consideration, payables to shareholders, debt to public authorities, etc.
Contingent consideration is recognized as part of the business combination and is recognized at fair value
considering the passage of time and changes in the applied probability of success. The fair value is assessed
at each reporting date and the effect of any adjustments relating to the timing of payment and the probability
of success is recognized under financial income or financial expenses.
Payables to shareholders and other debts are measured at amortized cost.
Lease liabilities
Lease liabilities are recognized at the present value of future payments in accordance with the lease
agreements and include the present value of future payments relating to reasonably certain extensions.
Interest on the lease liabilities is calculated using Lundbeck's incremental borrowing rate and recognized
under financial income or financial expenses. The lease liabilities are reduced by any instalments paid to the
Lundbeck uses the same incremental borrowing rate for lease agreements with similar characteristics.
Changes to lease agreements after initial recognition are accounted for either as a modification to an existing
agreement, a separate agreement or a partial disposal depending on the nature of the change. Changes will
result in changes to both the lease liability and the right-of-use asset.View entire presentation