Investor Presentation Financial Highlights slide image

Investor Presentation Financial Highlights

Tüpraş - Ratings Tüpraş BIST Corporate Governance Rating Score Credit Rating Scores Average 96.8 Foreign Currency Fitch Ratings MOODY'S S&P Global Long Term Ratings Shareholders 95.9 Tüpraş Turkey B+ (Stable) B3 (Stable) B (Stable) Koç Holding B3 (Stable) B3 (Stable) B (Stable) B+(Stable) Transparency 98.0 Stakeholders Board 0 25 50 50 99.5 95.4 75 100 Source: SAHA Corporate Governance and Rating Services Inc. (November 2023) Dec-23 Investor Presentation Appendix Analyst Recommendations 24% Buy ■Sell 9% 67% Hold Source: Bloomberg* *data as of Nov'23 57
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