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Investor Presentaiton

QANTAS LOYALTY Track record of growth and consistent cash flow contribution Loyalty Underlying EBIT¹ ($m) 286 260 14% CAGR 231 202 163 167 128 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY152 ■ Consistently delivered growth and targeted continued double digit Underlying EBIT growth ■ Underpinned by QFF billings, underlying system growth and program enhancements ■ No EBIT generated from Qantas airline billings - 66% of billings externally generated, contribute 100% of QFF EBIT³ ■ Core innovations delivering important contribution, and growing Highly cash generative business 1. Underlying EBIT results compared to prior periods normalised for changes in accounting estimates of the fair value of points and breakage expectations effective 1 January 2009. 2. FY15 forecast. 3. FY14, 102 remaining 34% represents airline billings, predominantly to Qantas Group airlines.
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