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Investor Presentaiton

labor practices and work ethics INDICATOR LA6 Worker health and safety committees. CONTENT 2012 MEXICO Participation in Health and Safety Committees 19.5 100% of the associates are 2012 CAM represented by occupational health, hygiene and safety committees. Approximately 10% of them are active members of such committees. LA7 Rates of injury, lost days, occupational diseases, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities. % associates Level of operation Associates trained 5-10 5-10 2013 MEXICO 18 2013 CAM 100% of the associates are represented by occupational health, hygiene and safety committees. Approximately 10% of them are active members of such committees. 5-10 from 4 to 10 associates depending on the size of the store Associates per business unit Workplace/corporate office Workplace/ Regional Workplace/corporate office 50,460 6,777 113,880 Mild incidents not requiring medical leave are excluded Days working days Mild incidents excluded Indicate if mild labor accidents are included or not (requiring first aid) Indicate if "days" mean "calendar days" or "work days" Accounting method for "lost days" Mild incidents excluded Days Calendar days As per Mexican Social Security method to score lost days as "work-related accidents" From the moment the treating physician issues the medical leave, which usually coincides with the date of the accident. Days Calendar days. As per Mexican Social Security method to score lost days as "work-related accidents" Workplace/ Regional 11,770 associates, 470 training courses Mild incidents not requiring medical leave are excluded Days working days From the moment the treating physician issues the medical leave, which usually coincides with the date of the accident. 2013 Financial and Social Responsibility Report Registered accidents ■Commute-related •Work-related risk 13,082 0 1,310 This indicator is not calculated, it is scored as accidents/one thousand associates = 4.06 13,436 0 1,248 This indicator is not calculated, it is scored as accidents/one thousand associates = 4.06 Leave of absence • Commute-related •Work-related risk Disabled associates Absolute number of work-related fatalities Rules and regulations to record and communicate accidents 316,541 27,441 249,447 ND This indicator is not calculated, it is scored as lost days due to accidents/one thousand associates= 84,98 ND ND This indicator is not calculated, it is scored as lost days due to illness/ one thousand associates= 192,79 ND 11,910 6,761 0 1 0 Accidents scored as work-related, based on Mexican Social Security rules and regulations. Mild incidents excluded. Accident report is done in keeping with Walmart de México y Centroamérica and Walmart International requirements. If local law requires a specific format, the corresponding report is presented. Mild incidents excluded. 25,998 This indicator is not calculated, it is scored as lost days due to accidents/ one thousand associates= 84,98 11,971 This indicator is not calculated, it is scored as lost days due to illness/one thousand associates= 192,79 7,295 0 Accidents scored as work-related, based on Mexican Social Security rules and regulations. Mild incidents excluded. Accident report is done in keeping with Walmart de México y Centroamérica and Walmart International requirements. If local law requires a specific format, the corresponding report is presented. Mild incidents excluded. 110
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