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Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives

ORIZON ||| = ABOUT US NATURAL CAPITAL GOVERNANCE HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL PLATFORM PERFORMANCE GRI SUMMARY < 38 > GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Board of Directors Supervisory Board Audit Committee Ethics Committee Executive Officers SUPERVISORY BOARD This is a non-permanent organ which, when instituted, is composed of three effective members and three substitute members, all of whom are elected by the General Shareholders' Meeting and perform their functions until the first Ordinary General Meeting held following their election. The role of the Supervisory Board is to supervise the acts of the administrators, provide opinions on the management's annual report and on the proposals set forth by the administrative bodies, declare any errors, fraud or crimes that they may discover and suggest useful measures to the Company, as well as analyze the interim balance sheet and other financial statements concerning the respective financial year and exercise their duties during the liquidation of the Company, if applicable. Employees or members of the Board of Directors, and/or any of the Executive Officers, of subsidiary companies or companies from the same Group are prohibited from holding a position on the Supervisory Board. Also prohibited are spouses or third-degree relatives, and members of the Administration who occupy a position at companies that could be considered competitors in the market, or anyone who has any conflicting interest with the Company. Also prohibited is anyone prevented by special law or who has been convicted of a crime involving bankruptcy, malfeasance, bribery, graft or embezzlement, crimes against the popular economy, public faith or property, or who has a criminal sentence which excludes them, albeit temporarily, from holding public office. Furthermore, neither may persons declared ineligible to hold office by the CVM, under the terms of the Corporations Law, be a member of the Supervisory Board. GRI 2-15 AUDIT COMMITTEE Made up of three members, including one independent member and one with recognized experience in matters of corporate accounting, the Audit Committee is an autonomous, advisory, collegiate body, nominated by the Board of Directors but operating independently to the Executive Officers. It is designed to supervise the quality and integrity of the financial reports; adherence to all legal, statutory and regulatory norms; adjustment of the processes relating to risk management, internal auditing and internal controls, and the activities of the independent auditors. Its members should be aligned with and committed to the Company's values and culture, the Code of Ethics and its internal policies, have an unblemished reputation, an education compatible with the attributes or a minimum of professional experience, having exercised functions similar to those which are to be performed during their mandate on the board, or having combined skills and experiences that are of interest to the Company at the time of appointment. They should also have no conflicts of interest with the Company and have time available to properly dedicate themselves to the role and responsibilities.
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