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Investor Presentaiton

IV.9 Working and Employment 2022 -2021 Labour-employer relations are somewhat cooperative ( 34.7% →25%) The online labour platforms made somewhat improve working conditions (41.5-19.4%) 0.03 Regulations related to the hiring of foreign labor are somewhat not restrictive (41.4% → 18.1%) 0.08 0.17 Somewhat agree that companies find people in the local labour market with the skills required to 0.38 fill their vacancies (41.7% → 29.2%) Somewhat difficult for companies find people by hiring foreign labour with the skills required to fill their vacancies (36.9%→41.8) Somewhat disagree that female and male workers take equal time off to care for children and the elderly (66.2-60.6%) -0.31 -0.77 -0.21 -0.56 Somewhat disagree that companies offer flexible working arrangements such as remote and part time work (55.6-54.9%) Regulations are somewhat allow flexible hiring and firing of workers (42.9% -→ 22.2%) 0.01 0.29 Average pay is somewhat not reflect to employee productivity (52.8% → 45.8%) Somewhat agree that wages are equal between low-paid workers 0.71 and high-paid workers (58.3%-32.9%) For similar work, wages for women somewhat equal to those of men (40.3% → 23.9%) 56
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