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G20 Development Working Group Submissions

knowledge products to the site. In 2012, HRD Pillar co-facilitators were also asked to contribute to the overall effort to promote inclusive green growth. A Working Group on Greening TVET (technical and vocational training and education) and Skills Development comprised of 7 IOs produced a set of policy recommendations on the skills required for transition to a greener economy. The recommendations were based on research and findings of the IOs' research and policy advice. This was completed in early 2013 and presented to the DWG meeting in February 2013. In-Depth Assessment Delivering and implementing a sustainable database on skills indicators is the first step towards improving evidence-based decision- making on HRD for developing countries. Under MYAP Commitment 30 (create internationally comparable skills indicators), a conceptual framework for internationally comparable data on skills indicators for employment and productivity was developed by the OECD and World Bank. The conceptual framework identifies which indicators are most useful for policy design and implementation. This informs where investments in improving labor market information systems would have the highest potential benefits. The conceptual framework was presented to the OECD-ILO Workshop on Skills Indicators and Policies in LICS held at the ILO in Turin in March 2012. IOs report on indicators, including options for the hosting and maintenance of the database was presented at the HRD workshop in Moscow in May 2013. The report was prepared by the OECD and the World Bank in consultation with other relevant IOs and based on extensive exploration of available data. The report includes a preliminary set of cost proposals to establish the database and will be implemented at the end of 2014, as envisaged by the 2010 MYAP. Alignment with Core G20 and DWG Mandate Strengthening HRD in developing countries is fundamental to driving strong, sustainable and inclusive economic growth and jobs creation. Jobs are necessary to drive development and achieve the G20's core mandate of economic growth, as well as improve living standards, productivity and social cohesion in LICs. The approach taken by the DWG under the MYAP has been to recognize that skills challenges differ by country to be able to build on the G20 Training Strategy to strengthen employable skills in LICs. COMMITMENT 30: Create internationally comparable skills indicators Implementation 1 2 3 4 6 The implementation of the 2010 MYAP commitments on HRD is on track. Significant achievements include: • Three knowledge-sharing workshops (supported by the DWG members of Germany, Italy, and Korea) have been organized by IOs since 2011, with a focus on public-private partnerships and developed indicators on employment skills in LICs. The workshops provided a forum for representatives from several LICs and MICs to share experience in skills assessments, identify areas for further capacity building, and propose indicators. These workshops complement the KSP and pilot programs. A report on the conceptual framework (based on consultations facilitated by the Inter-Agency Group on TVET) was presented at the HRD workshop in May 2013. The final report outlining options for the hosting and maintenance of the database is due in December 2014. * http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/--- integration/documents/publication/wcms_151966.pdf 37
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