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Investor Presentaiton

Use of Financial Adviser: Adviser use has increased seven points in Manitoba since 2012, now eight points ahead of national results Q Do you have a financial adviser and, if so, how long have you had your current adviser? [asked only of investors; national n=2,314; Manitoba n=225] Among investors only Segmentation (Manitoba 2020) Respondents who currently have an adviser Investor Segments 36 National Currently have adviser Manitoba NV Currently have adviser Non-frequent investor Frequent investor 79% 75% Investment Knowledge 2020 25% 9% 28% 13% 19% 4% 69% 2020 19% 11% 28% 16% 22% 3% 77% Low 80% Medium 80% High 70% Manitoba Region 4% 2017 26% 11% 27% 13% 18% 4% 69% 2017 18% 13% 24% 14% 22% 5% Winnipeg 76% 73% South/West Central/North 82% 72% Age 4% 18-34 2012 25% 8% 22% 18% 21% 3% 70% 2012 23% 6% 20% 19% 26% 3% 70% 35-54 55+ iil 75% 71% 85% I No financial adviser Yes, between 1 and 5 years Yes, more than 10 years Don't know Note: 2017 national n=2,364, MB n=221; 2012 national n=2,873, MB n=125 Yes, less than a year Gender Yes, between 6 and 10 years II usually have a financial adviser, but do not have one now Men 76% Women 78%
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