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Investor Presentaiton

- Operating Expenses (non-consolidated) – FY2022.3 Plan JR JR-EAST (\ billion) 2021.3 2022.3 2022.3/2021.3 Main factors behind change Increase / Results Plan Decrease (%) Operating 1,662.6 1,640.0 -22.6 98.6 expenses Personnel 388.8 383.0 -5.8 98.5 (-) Decrease in number of employees [-] Salary increase restraint expenses Non-personnel 773.0 741.0 -32.0 95.8 Expenses Energy 56.4 62.0 +5.5 109.8 [+] Increase in fuel costs of thermal power plants Maintenance 292.7 265.0 -27.7 90.5 [-] General maintenance expenses (-) Railcar maintenance expenses [-] Publicity and advertising expenses Other 423.8 414.0 -9.8 97.7 -Application of new accounting standards [+] Revenue-related expenses Usage fees to 82.9 85.0 +2.0 102.5 JRTT, etc. Taxes 96.4 104.0 +7.5 107.8 Depreciation 321.2 327.0 +5.7 101.8 [+] Increase due to capital expenditures 32 32
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