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Investor Presentaiton

As National Coordinator, JCG JAPAN COAST GUARD 6.6 National Coordinator responsibilities 6.6.1 The National Coordinator must: .1 IMO INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION Extracts from AMENDMENTS TO RESOLUTION A.706(17) — WORLD- WIDE AVIGATIONAL WARNING SERVICE (MSC.1/Circ. 1288/Rev.1) endeavour to be informed of all events that could significantly affect the safety of navigation within their area of national responsibility; .2 assess all information immediately upon receipt for relevance to navigation in their area of national responsibility; .6 forward coastal warnings and relevant associated information which may require wider promulgation directly to their NAVAREA/Sub-Area Coordinator and/or adjacent National Coordinators as appropriate, using the quickest possible means; .9 act as the central point of contact on matters relating to navigational warnings within their area of national responsibility;
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