Investor Presentaiton
HKAS 1.51
HK Listco Ltd
Year ended 31 December 2023
Major customers and suppliers
The information in respect of the group's sales and purchases attributable to the major customers and suppliers
respectively during the financial year is as follows:
The largest customer
Five largest customers in aggregate
The largest supplier
Five largest suppliers in aggregate
Percentage of
the group's total
At no time during the year have the directors, their associates or any shareholder of the company (which to
the knowledge of the directors owns more than 5% of the number of issued shares of the company) had any
interest in these major customers and suppliers³.
Recommended dividend⁹
An interim dividend of 30 cents per share (2022: 30 cents per share) was paid on 18 September 2023. The
directors now recommend the payment of a final dividend of 60 cents per share (2022: 55 cents per share) in
respect of the year ended 31 December 2023.
Change of company's name 10
By a special resolution passed on 10 January 2024, the name of the company was changed from Model
Electronics Company Limited to HK Listco Ltd and the company adopted the Chinese name
as part of its legal name.
Charitable donations
Charitable donations made by the group during the year amounted to HK$[•] (2022: HK$[•])¹¹.
HKAS 1.51(a)
Under paragraph 31(5) of Appendix 16 to the MBLRS, a listed issuer is required to give a statement of interests in the five largest suppliers or
customers of:
⚫any shareholder which to the knowledge of the directors own more than 5% of the number of issued shares of the listed issuer,
any of the directors; or
any of the directors' close associates.
A negative statement is required when there are no such interests.
Section 7 of Companies (Directors' Report) Regulation (Cap. 622D) requires companies to disclose the amount of dividends recommended
by the directors for the financial year in the directors' report. Although not required, a negative statement explaining that no dividend is
recommended for the year is a best practice.
10 Disclosure of change of company's name is optional in the directors' report, but should be in any event prominently displayed and
repeated when it is necessary for a proper understanding of the information presented.
The disclosure requirements in respect of donations do not apply if the entity is a wholly owned subsidiary of a company incorporated
under the CO. Furthermore, donations are not required to be disclosed if the total amount of donations made by the company (or the
group if the company has subsidiaries) during the year is less than $10,000.
© 2023 KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited ("KPMG International"),
a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.View entire presentation