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Investor Presentaiton

60 A.P. Moller-Maersk Annual Report 2020 Directors' Report Governance Shareholder information Shareholder information After an extraordinary year with great volatility in the share price, the share price ended the year 41% higher than last year, implying a total shareholder return of 45% for 2020. The Board of Directors in A.P. Møller-Mærsk A/S proposes an ordinary dividend of DKK 330 per share corresponding to a dividend payout of 35%. Share capital A.P. Moller-Maersk shares are listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen and are divided into two classes: A shares with voting rights and B shares without voting rights. Each DKK 1,000 A share entitles the holder to two votes. The A.P. Møller-Mærsk A/S share capital amounts to nominally DKK 20,031,947,000, divided between 10,599,401 A shares of nominally DKK 1,000 and 9,432,546 B shares of nominally DKK 1,000. Ownership The total number of registered shareholders increased by 3,000 to around 76,000 during 2020. Shareholders with more than 5% of share capital or votes held 53% of the share capital, while the 20 largest institutional shareholders together owned around 16% of the total share capital and 37% adjusted for the free-float. Danish retail investors decreased their ownership slightly from 11% to 10% of the total share capital since the end of 2019. Own shares A.P. Moller-Maersk holding of own shares com- prised 3.12% of the share capital at the end of 2020, cf. note 11 in the consolidated financial statements. Dividend The dividend policy is an annual pay-out ratio of 30-50% of underlying net result, adjusted for gains, impairments and restructurings, to be implemented from the financial year 2020. In the medium-term and during the strategic phase of transforming the company to become a global integrator of container logistics, the annual pay-out ratio should be expected at the low to midpoint of the range. Distribution to shareholders will take place through dividends potentially combined with share buy-backs, and the annual pay-out ratio and distribution will be decided from an evaluation Share price development The Maersk B share price increased by 41% to DKK 13,595 from its closing price at the end of 2019 of DKK 9,608. By comparison, the benchmark indices MSCI World Transportation and OMXC25 increased by 5% and 34%, respectively. The Maersk B share price reached its highest price of DKK 14,115 on 18 December 2020, and its lowest price of DKK 5,034 on 19 March 2020. The total market value of A.P. Møller-Mærsk A/S was USD 43bn at the end of 2020. The positive development of the share price was driven by a very strong financial perfor- mance in the second half of the year, as demand picked up faster than anticipated after the first lockdown related to the pandemic outbreak in the early days of 2020. The sudden uptick in demand led to a significant increase in freight rates during the third quarter. The continued focus on the cost base and agile capacity deployment, coupled with the higher freight rates lead to improved finan- cial performance and a total of three earnings upgrades after having suspended the guidance in March 2020. Share price development =1 DKK 16,000 OMXC25 Maersk B 14,000 12,000 MSCI World Transportation Source: Bloomberg; data rebased from 10,000 the Maersk B share price at the end of 8,000 December 2019. 6,000 4,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
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