Investor Presentaiton
Recent Initiatives of Corporate Governance
Committees already is Place
Committee of
Compensation and
Committee of
Related Parties
Audit Committee²
Composition of the Board of Directors
independent or not appointed by the
controlling shareholder
appointed by the controlling shareholder
1 - Although it is not a statutory committee, it has a Company advisor as member
AES Eletropaulo
2 Audit Committee to be determined in the context of the migration to the Novo Mercado
3 - Three independent members, one appointed by the minority shareholders (BNDESPAR) and other by the Company's employees
New By-Laws4
Board of Directors compound
by at least 5 and a maximum
of 9 members, without
Creation of Statutory
Committee of (i)
Compensation and Personnel
and (ii) Audit
Inclusion of the poison pill -
OPA 30 (rules about relevant
interest acquisition)
4 The amendment in the by-laws will be effective after the
migration to the Novo Mercado
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