Financial and Mortgage Portfolio Overview slide image

Financial and Mortgage Portfolio Overview

Deposits are the largest source of funding Retail deposits continue to increase 39% Highlights Term deposits are 18% of total deposits Deposit concentration is stable. 11% of the Bank's deposits belonged to the 10 largest depositors and 27% to the 100 largest depositors at 2Q22, compared to 12% and 28% respectively at YE21 At end of 2Q22 75% of deposits were in non-indexed ISK, 13% CPI-linked and 12% in foreign currencies Funding sources By type, % of total liabilities and equity 46% 11% ..... 7% Deposits Deposit from financial inst. retail and corp, and pension sovereigns, CB. funds and PSE 14% 13% 14% 14% 14% 14% Customer loans to customer deposits ratio Development, % 142% 152% 143% 146% 145% 124% 116% 117% 118% 118% 30/06/2021 30/09/2021 31/12/2021 31/03/2022 30/06/2022 Customer loans to customer deposits ratio Customer loans (excl. mortgages funded with CB) to customer deposit Deposits from customers and credit institutions Development, by LCR category, ISKbn 798 3% 2% 775 757 772 768 70 75 66 55 61 51 复 68 64 Senior Covered Bonds Subordinated unsecured bonds Equity 211 161 155 194 182 debt 116 127 123 121 128 Short-term funding 31.12.21 ■30.6.22 340 344 349 351 358 30/6/21 30/9/21 31/12/21 Long-term funding ■Financial institutions ■Pension funds 31/3/22 30/6/22 Corporations, sovereigns, central banks and PSE ■Small and medium enterprises ■Individuals 12 August-September 2022
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