Bank of Georgia Financial Analysis slide image

Bank of Georgia Financial Analysis

LOAN PORTFOLIO BREAKDOWN GEL millions Retail Banking | 31 Dec 2018 Corporate Investment Banking | 31 Dec 2018 JSC Bank of Georgia standalone JSC Bank of Georgia standalone 1.9% 0.2% 122 6,389 2 861 3.4% 3,227 109 2,302 Loan portfolio Amounts in GEL millions GEL and other currency loans* USD loans with USD income USD loans with non-USD income Total *Includes credit cards BANK OF GEORGIA 11 Provision amount USD GEL Other 0.5% LLR rate GEL millions 5.2% 4.9% 2,761 143 513 25 491 26 5.4% 1,757 91 Loan portfolio Provision amount USD GEL Other 5.2% LLR rate RB Loan portfolio 4,088 397 % of total RB loan portfolio Consumer CB & WM % of total CB Mortgages SME & Micro loans* Amounts in GEL millions Loan portfolio loan portfolio 64.0% 6.2% 1,235 316 1,614 56 1,239 25 GEL and other currency loans* USD loans with USD income 1,004 36.4% 1,058 38.3% 1,905 29.8% 988 175 6,389 100.0% 2,539 1,845 741 2,005 USD loans with non-USD income Total 699 25.3% 2,761 100.0% Note: Standalone figures derived from management accounts 18
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