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Investor Presentaiton

Digital Operations (Figures in INR Crore) 22.7% 23.0% 23.3% 20.7% 19.5% 20.1% 18.6% 17.2% 16.5% 123 142 147 143 153 187 167 165 160 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 ■Digital Operations Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY24 EBIT Margin % 43% of total revenue • Grew at 4.9% YoY in Q3FY24 16.5% EBIT margin in Q3FY24 D We found Datamatics FINATO to be a lot more intuitive, the look and feel is also really fresh. We appreciate the involvement by the Datamatics team and thanks to them for providing a modern updated system. Group CFO, Global Insurance Company 7
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