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Investor Presentaiton

90% of the 2P Reserves and 95% of the Prospective Resources in NCRE Mexico, are still available for bidding 2P Reserves Allocated 17,792 MMBOE (Round 1) 273 10% National Prospective Resources Allocated 112,833 MMBOE (Round 1) 4,329 5% Available Pemex 14,919 84% State for bidding 2,873 16% 2,601 90% Pemex 24,459 22% State 88.373 Available for bidding 84,044 78% 95% ā— A revised 5 year exploration and extraction plan was published in February, 2017 by the Ministry of Energy. MMBOE: million barrels of oil equivalent Source: CNH and the Ministry of Energy of Mexico 14
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