G20 Development Working Group Submissions
conclusions and determined next steps for the
G20 development agenda and informed the Saint
Petersburg Development Outlook.
There have been significant successes in implementing
the MYAP. Out of 67 commitments, 33 are assessed
as complete, 33 ongoing and only 1 has stalled.
The assessment of progress highlighted three key
areas of success for the DWG - bringing forward
catalytic policy action, particularly among G20
members, establishing credible outreach to non-
member countries and fostering strong partnership
with international organizations (IOs).
Engagement with developing countries, in particular
low income countries (LICs), is essential for the
effectiveness of the G20 development agenda. The
DWG engaged non-G20 developing countries,
representatives of regional and sub-regional
organizations, countries involved in pilot projects
under the MYAP, private sector and civil society
to inform policy development. In addition, the
DWG held consultations with the Commonwealth
and La Francophonie, as well as seminars and
workshops on human resource development, food
security and inclusive green growth. The DWG also
conducted special LICs outreach in 2013 to obtain
their feedback for the accountability process. Each
of these consultations helped the DWG refine its
The DWG has delivered a broad range of
global initiatives through partnership with IOs,
collaboration with relevant stakeholders and joint
efforts with other G20 workstreams. These initiatives
include the Agricultural Market Information System
(AMIS), Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation
Board (SPIAC-B), and establishment of the Global
Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) and the
High-Level Panel for Infrastructure Investment (HLP).
Acknowledging the lessons identified the DWG's
contribution to global development efforts would be
maximized by:
focusing on a specific number of issues where
the G20 can address systemic gaps and add
facilitating policy coordination across different
G20 workstreams given their overall impact on
developing countries;
enhancing engagement with non-G20 members
and LICs, and include the private sector and civil
society in policy consultations and activities;
more coherent and targeted cooperation with
IOs; and
leveraging different sources of funding on
a voluntary basis to support and promote
development initiatives.
The DWG has proved to be a useful tool and
platform to promote development. Going forward,
the DWG will foster growth on a sustainable basis
by strengthening the relationship between economic
growth, social inclusion and environmental
protection. The G20 can further add value in
delivering tangible development outcomes through
high level political leadership and a more coherent,
results-driven and long term approach.
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