BRI Performance Highlights and Green Initiatives slide image

BRI Performance Highlights and Green Initiatives

ROBUST CAPITAL MANAGEMENT TO ENSURE OPTIMUM RETURN Optimizing Capital for Sustainable Business Growth and Shareholders' Return 25.28% 22.55% 1.01% 24.27% 21.21% 1.06% 20.15% 1.03% 21.52% 20.61% 1.02% 19.59% REGULATORY REQUIREMENT 17.5% If all Basel 3 fully implemented 15.0% Normal condition DPO 85% DPO 65% 12.5% DPO 50% DPO 60% OJK Relaxation During Pandemic 2018 2019 Tier 1 CAR 2020 Tier 2 CAR 2021 O-Total CAR 23.30% * 1.00% 22.30% 50 04 BRI Interim Dividend** Max 2.5% (Countercyclical Buffer) 2.5% (Capital Conservation Buffer) 2.5% (Capital Surcharge on Systemic Bank) 10% (CAR based on Risk Profile) 2022 *As of Jan'23, as part of the implementation of Basel 3, the change on RWA of Operational & Credit Risk adds ~200bps to BRI total CAR ** Based on Sept 22 performance, BRI distributes interim dividends of Rp57 per share or with a maximum total amount of Rp8.63 Trillion with the payment date on 27 January 2023 and will be calculated as part of the total Full Year 2022 dividend Note: All numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated 18
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