TATA CONSUMER PRODUCTS Earnings Update slide image


Financials: Consolidated Quarter ended Mar'22 TATA CONSUMER PRODUCTS Financial Year ended Mar'22 Profit and Loss statement Q4FY22 Q4FY21 Change % (all nos. in Crores) FY22 FY21 Change % 3,175 458 3,037 5%1 Revenue from operations 12,425 11,602 7%² 317 45% EBITDA 1,749 1,569 11% 14.4% 10.4% % 14.1 % 13.5% 386 251 54% EBIT 1,471 1,315 12% 12.2 % 8.3% % 11.8% 11.3% 403 262 54% PBT before exceptional items 1,508 1,342 12% (19) (64) Exceptional items (52) (31) (95) (65) Tax (377) (317) 289 133 117 % PAT 1,079 994 9% 9.1% 4.4% % 8.7% 8.6% 239 74 222% Group Net Profit (incl. JVs & Associates) 1,015 930 9% Group Consolidated Net Profits for the quarter grew 222% YoY on account of following: Revenue growth in both branded and Non-branded business • • Gross Margin improvement in India Beverages Improved performance in International Business, lower A&P and other expense Lower exceptional items 1 like for like growth net of International food service business exits in Q4FY22 was 6% 2 like for like growth net of International food service business exits in FY22 was 9% 43
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