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Investor Presentaiton

OREXPLORE Made in Sweden OREXPLORE Technology offering. ORKKOPLORE DEXICIC 3547, 40003 GeoCore X10 Ⓡ High Energy X-ray Source XRT (X-ray transmission) CT provides 'through-the-core' structural 3D imaging used to estimate potential elemental composition, geological structure, texture & density. Spectrometers XRF Spectrometers provide elemental detection at the core's surface. E) Fast: scans four x 1m cores at a time, in less than 15 minutes per metre. • Versatile: non-destructive scanning of both core & non-core (chips etc.) material. • Insight software platform Orexplore's software system, Orexplore InsightⓇ, provides users with the ability to interact and analyse the scan results obtained from the GeoCore X10Ⓡ. It allows for 3D-visualisation of the core and the ability to further analyse the resource and physical information, providing rich capability to understand, interpret and extract key information contained within the sample such as: Geological structures Lithology/texture Density-high resolution Easy: requires minimal skill set to operate. One technician can operate up to 3 machines. • Rock mechanics & physical characteristics e.g. RQD • Particle detection • Detected elements • Emerging geochemistry 25 25 OREXPLORE
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