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Investor Presentaiton

Annexure A : Profitability Statement (Consolidated) INR mn GAR Q4FY2022 Q3 FY2023 Q4FY2023 FY2022 FY2023 Gross Revenue 12,836 17,664 18,946 46,007 66,934 Less: Revenue Share 206 5,137 5,251 2,240 19,147 Net Revenue 12,630 12,527 13,695 43,767 47,787 Total Expenditure EBITDA EBITDA margin 7,289 7,227 11,105 22,741 30,549 5,342 5,300 2,590 21,026 17,238 42% 42% 19% 48% 36% Other Income 1,034 1,608 1,072 3,584 5,956 Interest & Finance Charges 5,278 5,912 6,734 20,187 23,431 Depreciation 2,598 2,671 3,016 8,894 10,424 PBT before exceptional items (1,501) (1,675) (6,087) (4,471) (10,662) Exceptional Income/(Expense) (631) 2,925 (382) PBT (2,132) 1,250 (6,469) (3,883) (8,353) (8,118) 2,543 Tax (423) 223 363 Profit after Tax (PAT) (1,709) 1,027 (6,831) (123) (8,230) 1,141 (9,259) Add: Share in Profit/ (Loss) of JVs / Associates 419 21 464 707 860 PAT from Continuing Operations (1,290) 1,048 (6,367) (7,523) (8,399) Add: Profit/ (Loss) from Discontinued Operations (3,791) Add: Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) (3,436) (578) 2,611 (4,561) (6,356) Total Comprehensive Income (4,725) 471 (3,756) Less: Minority Interest (MI) (1,871) (1,158) (652) Total Comprehensive Income (Post MI) (2,854) 1,628 (3,104) (15,874) (14,755) (3,606) (12,268) (10,162) (4,593) Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 40 40
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