US Sectoral Sanctions
Russia's Countersanctions
Russia enacted in 2018 a law "On Measures (Countermeasures) against
Unfriendly Actions of the United States of America and/or Other Foreign
Governments", (the "Countermeasures Law" - full text is here, unofficial
English translation available on request), which provides essentially as
Basic thrust is not to impose automatically - but rather to authorize the President or
the Government to institute - various countermeasures (bans on import of goods /
work/services, export bans, etc.)
upon finding of justification in anti-Russia sanctions measures (presumably including already-
effective and possible future ones) of the US and other countries that commit unfriendly actions
"as well as against organizations located in the jurisdiction of [such countries], directly or
indirectly controlled by [such countries] or affiliated with them, officials and citizens of [such
countries], in the event such organizations, officials, and citizens are involved in the
commission of unfriendly actions" vs. Russia
Thus, this Law as enacted may well not have substantial effect on international trade
with Russia, unless/until the Western sanctions and/or general political relations worsen
to an extent deemed sufficient to trigger discretionary Russian executive actions under
the Law
But wording uncertainties (see above and next slide) awaits authoritative interpretation
and/or practice to clarify
Morgan Lewis
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