2018 Credit Presentation slide image

2018 Credit Presentation

Costs have reduced by 3% / €48m Operating expenses to reduce further €1,796m €1,739m €104m 2017 €113m 2018 Operating expenses Transformation Investment charge 2019 2018 Credit Presentation Transformation of cost base • Operating expenses (before levies and regulatory charges) of €1,852m reduced by €48m (3%) vs. 2017 Expect operating expenses, including transformation investment charge, to reduce every year to €1.7bn in 2021 Operating expenses: €1,739m • • Total staff costs decreased by €32m vs. 2017 primarily reflecting lower average staff numbers partly offset by impact of wage inflation of c.2.5% under the Group Career and Reward framework; wage inflation of c.2.6% agreed for 2019 Other costs have decreased by €68m vs. 2017 reflecting strategic sourcing and other efficiencies from business model initiatives across the businesses Expected increase in depreciation charge of €43m reflects investment in technology Transformation Investment charge: €113m • Total transformation investment in 2018 of €306m: - €113m charged as Transformation Investment to the income statement (37%) €100m capitalised as intangible asset (33%) €93m charged as non-core restructuring costs (30%) Levies and Regulatory charges: €101m Expect levies and regulatory charges to total €115m - €120m for 2019 FY 2017 FY 2018 (Єm) (€m) Total staff costs 900 868 • - Staff costs 752 721 - Pension costs 148 147 Other costs 727 659 Depreciation 169 212 Operating Expenses 1,796 1,739 Transformation Investment charge¹ 104 113 Operating Expenses (before levies and 1,900 1,852 regulatory charges) Levies and Regulatory charges 99 101 Total Operating Expenses 1,999 Average staff numbers Cost-income ratio² 11,196 65% 1,953 10,595 • 65% 1 Transformation Investment charge was previously disclosed as 'Core Banking Platform Investment charge', it has been updated to include the broader scope of Transformation covering Culture, Systems and Business Model for 2017 2 See Slide 51 for calculation Bank of Ireland 13
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