2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank slide image

2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank

4. RESPONSE AND CHALLENGES The Protection Cluster seeks to address the most urgent protection concerns in Gaza identified through the MSNA analysis, and extensive research and documentation carried out by protection partners. The most urgent needs range from the ongoing human rights and IHL concerns arising from military occupation, and ongoing escalations of violence and tension, to those driven by longstanding Israeli policies and practices, or caused by compounded risks associated with deteriorating living standards and COVID-19. The Protection Cluster Objectives in the oPt HRP 2022 are as follows: * Objective 1: Increased respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and accountability for violations * Objective 2: Ensuring protection response mechanisms are in place to prevent and mitigate the compounded risks arising from the occupation and conflict related violence, and the impacts of COVID19 The Protection Cluster and the GBV, CP/MHPSS and LTF AoRs work closely with partners and authorities, enhancing their capacity to ensure inclusion of those in need of protection. Across the various responses, the cluster has prioritized the inclusion of persons with disability. Protection Mainstreaming interventions particularly aim at bolstering meaningful access for persons with disabilities, and with a focus on introducing effective safeguards to protect people against stigma and discrimination across the humanitarian response. For the 2022 HRP, the Protection Cluster and its partners made efforts to address accessibility barriers, including developing a disability inclusion checklist. Some remote work modalities, adapted to the ongoing constraints caused by the COVID-19 pandemic continues in line with global minimum standards. The Protection Cluster prioritizes interventions that address protection risks arising from the threats described above which have intensified and continue unabated over the past year. As underscored by persistent escalations in violence and use of force resulting in injuries and killings and arbitrary arrests and detention. Movement and access restrictions of both people and goods in and out of Gaza continues to undermine access to basic services, health care, economic and social development as well as hinder the ability of protection organizations to provide support. Combined these factors have dire consequences on mental health of all Palestinians and GBV and child protection concerns overloading protection services. Particularly impacted are women, children and persons living with disabilities, forcing vulnerable households to adopt negative coping strategies and increasing burdens on female headed households in particular Disability Inclusion: There is an urgent need to provide technical support on disability inclusion to all humanitarian partners, specialized responses for persons with disabilities and inclusive messaging and awareness raising materials. 27
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