Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
New reality
The crisis brought by Covid-19 strongly impacted the education sector in
different ways and also forced entities to rethink their business models and also
accelerate their investment plans in innovation. In the education sector, different
trends can be observed between basic education and higher education,
however, in both cases there was significant pressure from parents, students,
government and regulatory bodies for tuition discounts and a significant increase
in default rates.
| Basic education
Specifically in basic education, overnight it had to adapt all its content, classes
and teacher preparation to a distance learning model, with the help of large
technology companies and the investment that had been made by schools in
platforms online content were essential. On the other hand, this scenario made
even more clear the existing inequality between public and private basic
education in Brazil, mainly due to the lack of access to technology and even the
internet by the poorest strata of the population.
In basic education, during the pandemic, two important movements took
place that increased the dropout rate of students from private schools that
were, a migration of students to the public system because parents were
financially affected by Covid-19, and/or by a decision of taking their
children out of school temporarily to preserve their health and also for being
at home in social isolation.
| College Education
College education, on the other hand, was severely affected in
relation to on-site education, since distance education in Brazil
was already quite consolidated and with relevant growth
rates in the number of students in recent years. The pandemic
and the economic crisis impacted mainly on the significant
increase in the rates of enrollment and retention of students, but
with much more relevance in face-to-face teaching, which
practically did not exist at this time of pandemic.
The changes in higher education brought about by the
pandemic were structural rather than circumstantial, with a
strong tendency towards a migration from face-to-face to
distance education, as it costs less to students and allows for
greater flexibility. This will force institutions to rethink their on-site
business models, seeking greater efficiency in their physical
structures, using these structures as distance learning centers
and a preference for premium and more profitable courses, such
as medicine.
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