Annual Report 2019
Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia
Notes to the 2019 consolidated financial statements
30. Risk management (continued)
Credit risk (continued)
The Group has established credit quality review process to provide early identification of possible changes in the
creditworthiness of counterparties. For the purpose of assessment of credit quality of international reserves the Group
evaluates the counterparty creditworthiness based on the credit ratings assigned by leading internationally recognised
credit rating agencies.
The Group sets minimum rating requirement for securities issued by governments, government agencies, other
government authorities, financial institutions and supranational organisations. These ratings cannot be lower than certain
prescribed minimum level which is regularly reviewed.
To monitor the credit risk the Group uses an in-house developed model, which allows assessing the issuer default
probability based on stock prices and balance sheet data. It belongs to the class of structural models, providing an
economically meaningful explanation of default based on the asset-liability structure and financial leverage. The model
is based on the barrier option price formula which is one of components of implied rating issued by FITCH. Ratings and
model results are used to build a matrix of investment limits for each rating group, maturity, individual counterparties, and
asset classes. The matrix is the main tool for the credit risk management.
Derivative financial instruments
Credit risk arising from derivative financial instruments is, at any time, limited to those with positive fair values, as
recorded in the consolidated statement of financial position.
Maximum credit risk without collateral or other credit enhancement
The maximum exposure to credit risk for the components of the consolidated statement of financial position, including
derivatives, before the effect of mitigation through the use of master netting and collateral agreements, is best
represented by their carrying amounts.
Where financial instruments are recorded at fair value, the carrying value represents the current credit risk exposure but
not the maximum risk exposure that could arise in the future as a result of changes in values.
For more detail on the maximum exposure to credit risk for each class of financial instrument, references shall be made
to the specific notes.
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