Investor Presentaiton
New suppliers that
were screened using
environmental criteria
Negative environmental
impacts in the supply chain
and actions taken
Reporting criteria and parameters
Boundary: Consolidated (Votorantim + portfolio companies)
Details general:
The standard provides a relative assessment (in %) of new suppliers screened using environmental criteria
(numerator) in relation to all new suppliers (denominator), according to the following definitions:
►New suppliers: First-time suppliers selected, approved and/or contracted during the period covered by the
► Environmental criteria: Assessments can be informed by audits, contractual reviews, documentation
review at the time of approval, approval updates, involvement of both parties, and complaint and grievance
mechanisms related to environmental aspects, including but not limited to, legal compliance, history of
non-compliance, fines and sanctions and evaluation of policies and processes to mitigate environmental
risks that may lead to operational, reputational, legal or financial damage to the supplier or the portfolio
company itself.
Given the variety of sectors and segments, it is up to each portfolio company to determine the relevant
criteria for its procedures, according to its specific characteristics.
Details per portfolio company:
Boundary: Consolidated (Votorantim + portfolio companies)
Details general:
The standard provides a relative assessment (in %) of suppliers screened using environmental criteria
(numerator) in relation to all active suppliers (denominator), according to the following definitions:
►Suppliers: Suppliers that are considered active by the company and were selected, approved and/or
contracted before the period covered by the Report.
► Environmental criteria: Assessments can be informed by audits, contractual reviews, documentation
review at the time of approval, approval updates, involvement of both parties, and complaint and grievance
mechanisms related to environmental aspects, including but not limited to, legal compliance, history of
non-compliance, fines and sanctions and evaluation of policies and processes to mitigate environmental
risks that may lead to operational, reputational, legal or financial damage to the supplier or the portfolio
company itself.
Given the variety of sectors and segments, it is up to each portfolio company to determine the relevant
criteria for its procedures, according to its specific characteristics.
Details per portfolio company:
The data reported by
Votorantim Cimentos
includes only operations
in Brazil.
►Nexa's reporting for the
indicator does not include
the company's offices
located in Luxembourg
and the United States.
►Nexa's reporting for the
indicator does not include
the company's offices
located in Luxembourg
and the United States.
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