G20 Development Working Group Submissions
The main DWG deliverables included a non-
prescriptive policy toolkit for IGG developed by
the African Development Bank, the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development, the
World Bank and the United Nations, which contains
policy options for IGG in developing countries,
and particularly LICs. The other main deliverable
was leaders' agreement to identify mechanisms
for mobilizing public and private funds for green
growth investments. This was to be pursued through
a new public-private Dialogue Platform on Inclusive
Green Investments to create enabling environments
that catalyze and support green initiatives.
1.4.3 2013 Russian G20 Presidency
Under the Russian Presidency, the DWG has
continued to place a high priority on the development
agenda. After two years of implementing the MYAP,
it had become apparent that the G20 needed to
more actively monitor its development commitments.
DWG members recognized it was time to assess
implementation, identify lessons learned, draw
conclusions and determine next steps in the run-
up to the 2013 St. Petersburg Summit. At the same
time, DWG members agreed the need to streamline
and strengthen the development agenda. A key
deliverable of the Russian Presidency in this respect
is the first G20 accountability report on development
and the St. Petersburg Development Outlook.
Under the Russian Presidency, the DWG has
concentrated on the following development
priorities: food security, infrastructure, financial
inclusion and human resource development (HRD).
On food security, building on previous DWG
achievements, Russia put special emphasis on
deepening cooperation and further improving ways
to address the global challenges of food security
and nutrition over the long-term. In 2013, the DWG
has focused on the in-depth discussions about a new
set of actions primarily in the following food security
areas: increasing agricultural production and
productivity through a comprehensive approach
to agriculture by making it more productive,
sustainable, climate adapted and resilient to shocks
Saint Petersburg Accountability Report on G20 Development Commitments
Chapter 1
G20 Development Agenda and the Role
of the G20 Development Working Group
and stressors; addressing malnutrition, particularly
for the most vulnerable by promoting integrated,
nationally owned, nutrition-sensitive social protection
and safety nets systems and developing an effective
knowledge-sharing network on food security and
nutrition; furthering more market transparency by
improving communication and international policy
coordination. To facilitate discussion and formulate
concrete DWG deliverables on food security, the
Russian Presidency organized the Second G20
MACS and a DWG seminar on Food Security
through Social Safety Nets and Risk Management,
which was conducted jointly with the World Bank.
On infrastructure, the DWG continued the work
on implementing the recommendations outlined in
MDB Action Plan and HLP Report. The toolkit on
Urban Mass Transportation Infrastructure Projects
in Medium and Large Cities prepared by the World
Bank and the ADB was finalized and disseminated
among G20 members. The DWG welcomed
the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA)
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs) for
Infrastructure in Africa and the ICA held a workshop
to launch a project preparation network. The ADB
together with the World Bank and the IDB undertook
work on developing a public-private partnerships
(PPP) sourcebook to provide developing countries
with knowledge related to PPP projects and policies.
On financial inclusion, the DWG focused on
integrating interrelated G20 priorities, namely
financial literacy, financial consumer protection and
financial inclusion. This agenda advanced specific
actions of the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan,
peer-learning and exchange of good practices and
actions to address challenges confronting vulnerable
groups including women, youth and migrants. The
GPFI principally implemented this work through its
three sub-groups on principles and standard-setting
bodies, SME finance, and data and measurement.
In 2013, the GPFI also established a fourth sub-
group on consumer protection and financial literacy.
In addition to this ongoing work, the Russian
Presidency organized two events:
In April 2013, in partnership with IFC and theView entire presentation