Investor Presentaiton
Is improving the electoral system contrary to the aim of
selecting the Chief Executive and electing all the Members
of the LegCo by universal suffrage in accordance with the
principle of gradual and orderly progress as enshrined in
the Basic Law?
Why the steadfast and faithful implementation of "One Country,
Two Systems" could only be guaranteed by "patriots administering
Hong Kong"? Is there a higher patriotic standard for those who
are involved in the administration of HKSAR?
Since the establishment of the HKSAR, the Central Authorities have genuinely and
sincerely supported the development of the democratic system in light of the actual
situation of the HKSAR and in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly
progress. The Standing Committee of the NPC has approved further development
of the democratic system in HKSAR on three different occasions. However, due to
the opposition camp's obstruction, democratic development materialised only once
in the past.
In particular, the "8.31 Decision" of the Standing Committee of the NPC in 2014
stipulated that the HKSAR might implement the selection of the Chief Executive by
universal suffrage in 2017 in accordance with the requirement as enshrined in Article 45
of the Basic Law in 2017. However, the opposition camp initiated the illegal "Occupy
Central Movement" and insisted the adoption of so called "civic nomination" which was
contrary to the Article. They also voted down the constitutional development proposal which
has since frustrated further democratic development of the HKSAR.
In the wake of the illegal "Occupy Central Movement”, the opposition forces have
become even more blatant. The radical localists have exploited the loopholes in the
electoral system, got elected into the LegCo and paralysed its operation. They initiated
the most severe social unrest since the establishment of the HKSAR amid the saga over
the proposed legislative amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance in 2019.
If these actual circumstances in Hong Kong are not rectified in good time, national
security, social stability and people's livelihood cannot be safeguarded, and the aim of
universal suffrage will never be attainable.
The Standing Committee of the NPC's Decision this time has not revised the ultimate
aim of attaining universal suffrage in relation to Article 45 and Article 68 of
the Basic Law. We strongly believe that improving the electoral system, ensuring
"patriots administering Hong Kong" and safeguarding the overall interests of society
are conducive to the stable development of Hong Kong's democracy.
HKSAR is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China. It is a local
administrative region which enjoys a high degree of autonomy and comes directly
under the Central People's Government. Sovereignty and jurisdiction are not separable.
Only by keeping the authority to administer Hong Kong firmly in the hands of those who
love the Country and love Hong Kong can the Central Authorities' overall jurisdiction
over the HKSAR be effectively implemented. When Mr. Deng Xiaoping put forward
the principles of "One Country, Two Systems", "Hong Kong people administering
Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy", he had already made it clear that
"Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" had its scope and criteria, and that is
to say Hong Kong should be managed by Hong Kong people, with patriots forming
the mainstay. In other words, "patriots administering Hong Kong" has been a central plank
to the principle of "One Country, Two Systems" from the very beginning. Ask yourself:
is there any country in the world which allows people who do not safeguard national
sovereignty, security and development interests to administer a local administrative
region within the country? Loyalty to one's country is a politician's most basic political
ethics, and a universally applicable and steadfastly upheld principle and standard.
As such, “patriots administering Hong Kong" is natural and in line with justice, and
allows no ambivalence.
The Chief Executive and the legislators selected through election are the core
components of Hong Kong's political structure. Only through the implementation of
"patriots administering Hong Kong" can the constitutional order of the HKSAR as set
out in the Constitution and the Basic Law be complied with and the "One Country,
Two Systems" be implemented steadfastly and faithfully.
People placed in important positions, in possession of important powers and
shouldering important governing responsibilities in Hong Kong's political structure
must be staunch patriots. They are expected to meet an even higher standard
of patriotism, including having a deep understanding of the essence of the
principle of "One Country, Two Systems", always being mindful of the fundamental
interests of the Country and the overall interests of Hong Kong, as well as being
conversant with the faithful application and capable of leveraging the strengths of
"One Country, Two Systems".View entire presentation