Investor Presentaiton
Energy indirect (Scope 2)
GHG emissions
Reporting criteria and parameters
Boundary: Consolidated (Votorantim + portfolio companies)
Details general:
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) from company sources (units or processes that release GHG
into the atmosphere), resulting from the generation of electricity, heat, cooling and steam imported and
consumed by the organization.
To calculate this standard, each portfolio company must follow its own methodology, calculation rules and
tools, and conversion rates used for this purpose. These calculations primarily follow the GHG Protocol
Details per portfolio company:
► Votorantim Cimentos: Emissions from the Cement business were calculated following the GCCA guidelines
for calculating the industry's CO2 emissions. Emissions from other businesses were calculated according to
the GHG Protocol guidelines.
► Acerbrag: Follows the parameters of the Argentine Secretary of Energy.
► CBA: Follows the parameters of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program and uses the consolidation approach by
operational control.
►Citrosuco: Follows the GHG Protocol standards.
►Nexa: Follows the GHG Protocol standards.
►Reservas: Follows the GHG Protocol standards.
► Votorantim Energia: Uses the Climas platform, which follows the methodological guidelines of the GHG
Protocol, with adjustments and specifications.
►Standard not reported by
Votorantim, banco BV and
Reservas Votorantim.
► 2021 information from
Citrosuco is not available.
The reported information
refers to the period
between January and
December 2020.
►The amounts reported
by Acerbrag refer to
industrial units.
►The emissions data
reported by Votorantim
Cimentos cover all the
company's operations,
except those of concrete,
cement, mortar,
aggregates (or other)
in countries other than
►CBA's reporting for this
indicator does not include
the following operational
units: Barro Alto, Rondon,
Distribution Center, Head
Office and Sorocaba
►Nexa's reporting for the
indicator does not include
the company's offices
located in Luxembourg
and in the United States.
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