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Investor Presentaiton

Senatsverwaltung f Finanzen Berlin 2013 Capital markets Berlin's funding strategy Senatsverwaltung beBerlin Maturity profile "Frequent issuer" with up to two €mn benchmarks per year 35,000 30,000 ■ Extension of the existing benchmark 25,000 curve 20,000 Broadening of the investor base and increased investor relations 15,000 Foreign currency issues with stand- 10,000 alone documentation 5.000 0,000 Private placements and German domestic "Schuldscheine" remain up to and including 4 years longer than 4 including 7 years important pillars of the funding strategy longer than 7 longer than 10 including 10 years years Dec. 31, 2012 Investor Presentation June 2013 Page 13
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