Investor Presentaiton
GRI 102-02
IHARA has inaugurated two new Research Centers in
the states of Paraná and Mato Grosso. With the Re-
search Center already installed in Sorocaba/SP, the
company has different biomes to conduct its agronom-
ic research trials. It expanded the capacity to generate
demand and demonstrate our solutions in partnership
with cooperative and resale customers.
Throughout 2020, there were 8 launches: new prod-
ucts; definition of new targets and cultures for prod-
ucts already existing in the current portfolio and the
development of new formulations. Thus, IHARA rein-
forced its portfolio with novelties in fungicides, insec-
ticides and herbicides.
For 2021, IHARA will continue to strongly expand its
investments in research and development, promotion
and work with the scientific community. The company
intends to continue bringing quality information and
solutions to farmers, growing and investing heavily to
foster, position and generate value, and launching new
products to the market, which will make its portfolio
even more robust and complete.
GRI 416-1, GRI 416-2, GRI 417-1
In the development process of new products, IHARA
seeks high standards of innovation and quality, con-
sidering the risks and impacts on human health and
the environment, selecting only those compounds that
offer the greatest safety in use. In addition to the as-
sessment made by the company, all products also un-
dergo an approval process performed by the regulatory
bodies, which have strict requirements. IHARA's sales
team is highly qualified to answer the farmers' techni-
cal questions and provide guidance on the correct and
safe use of all products marketed by the company. IHA-
RA measures for product safety are the following ones:
• Investment in biological products;
• Prioritization and strategy in the development of
products with a lower environmental impact;
• Training, awareness lectures, guidance and incen-
tives for the adoption of good agricultural practices
and for the correct and safe use of products, includ-
ing the donation of PPE; and
• Studies required by the government to submit regis-
tration and marketing only of duly registered products.
In 2020, IHARA made new submissions for product
registration and package leaflet extensions to the
regulatory agencies. Applications were submitted for
3 new herbicides, 2 new insecticides and 2 new fun-
gicides. We emphasize that a registration application
was also submitted for a new molecule that is a nov-
el fungicide in Brazil. In addition, applications were
submitted for the extension of the package leaflets
of several products in various crops. Some of the for-
mulations were developed and tested by IHARA's own
technology team, aiming to obtain the lowest possible
impact on human and environmental health. Addition-
ally, in 2020, IHARA obtained registration approvals for
9 new products, 6 of which are formulated products,
2 equivalent technical products, and 1 new technical
product (unprecedented molecule in Brazil), as well
as 5 extensions to approved package leaflets. The new
products received investments to reduce toxicity allied
to technical efficiency, ensuring safety for the rural
IHARA sells special products that require care in use.
In order to manage health and safety-related impacts
and maintain full compliance in its processes, IHARA
has the support of the SOGI tool, from the Integrat-
ed Management System, which allows the analysis
of the causes of any problems, the elaboration of ac-
tion plans and check its effectiveness. Thus, in 2020,
non-conformities with a warning or a fine deemed val-
id were not found. In view of the risks related to the
incorrect use of the products, the technical and com-
mercial teams are trained to instruct farmers and ap-
plicators to adopt good protection practices, including
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