Maersk Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Maersk Investor Presentation Deck

E Ocean and Logistics at a glance îc +70k A! +70k customers, representing a community of 845k unique users interacting on and with our +51k colleagues ~25m 个7%1 CFS OO MAERSK CBM going through our warehouses ~5m 14%² Land deliveries ~2m ↑ 112%³ Customs declarations Note: Absolute figures based on FY 2020, growth figures based on H2-20 vs. H2-19; 1. Excl. acquisitions increased by 3%. 2. Carrier haulage % growth; 3. Excl. acquisitions increased by 24% ~5m ↑ 14% T ECO DELIVERY ~13m 4 Purchase orders managed FFES shipped MAERSK
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