Morgan Lewis US and Russia Sanctions Update slide image

Morgan Lewis US and Russia Sanctions Update

CBW Act Sanctions (cont'd) And some of the waivers to restrictions on arms sales and commerce NS-sensitive items that were supplemented in connection with the first round CBW Act sanctions in August 2018 will continue, including: items eligible for some standard license exceptions (need to carefully check the details) - i.e., no license application needed safety-of-flight items (for civil passenger aviation) - case-by-case licensing still OK "deemed exports/reexports" to Russian nationals in the US – licensing permitted on case-by-case basis unless otherwise prohibited to wholly-owned US (and other foreign-company) subsidiaries in Russia in support of government space cooperation - on same basis on same basis for state-owned/-funded enterprises - case-by-case licensing, but presumption of denial (not clear) But other export-related waivers from 2018 are now removed, including items that were subject to some other standard license exceptions (again, need to carefully check the details) for export/reexport of NS items to commercial end-users in Russia for civil end-uses (such applications will now be reviewed under "presumption of denial") for exports of US Munitions List items and NS items in support of commercial space flight activities are to be removed following a six-month transition period (after which, subject to presumption of denial) Morgan Lewis 64 9
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