Acquisition of Trivantage Holdings Pty Ltd
Some of the information contained in this presentation
contains "forward-looking statements" which may not directly
or exclusively relate to historical facts. These forward-looking
statements reflect the current intentions, plans, expectations,
assumptions and beliefs of Southern Cross Electrical
Engineering Limited ("SCEE") about future events and are
subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which
are outside the control of SCEE.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from the expectations expressed or implied in the
forward-looking statements include known and unknown risks.
Because actual results could differ materially from SCEE's
current intentions, plans, expectations, assumptions and beliefs
about the future, you are urged to view all forward-looking
statements contained in this presentation with caution and not
to place undue reliance on them. No representation is made or
will be made that any forward-looking statements will be
achieved or will prove to be correct.
SCEE does not undertake to update or revise any forward-
looking statement, whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise. Past performance information
given in this presentation is given for illustrative purposes only.
and should not be relied upon as (and is not) an indication of
future performance.
This presentation is for information purposes only. It is not
financial product or investment advice or a recommendation,
offer or invitation by SCEE or any other person to subscribe for
or acquire SCEE shares or other securities. The presentation
has been prepared without taking into account the objectives,
financial situation or needs of the reader. Before making an
investment decision, prospective investors should consider the
appropriateness of the information having regard to their own
objectives, financial situation and needs and seek the
appropriate professional advice.
Statements made in this presentation are made as at the date
of the presentation unless otherwise stated. The information in
this presentation is of a general background nature and does
not purport to be complete. It should be read in conjunction
with SCEE's other periodic and continuous disclosure
Acquisition of Trivantage Holdings Pty Ltd
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