Vodacom Annual Results slide image

Vodacom Annual Results

Definitions Customers Customers are based on the total number of mobile customers using any service during the last three months. This includes customers paying a monthly fee that entitles them to use the service even if they do not actually use the service and those customers who are active whilst roaming EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation, impairment losses, profit/loss on disposal of investments, property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets, profit/loss from associate and joint venture, restructuring cost and BEE income/charge Data customers Data customers are based on the number of unique users generating billable data traffic during the month. Also included are users on integrated tariff plans, or who have access to corporate APNs, and users who have been allocated a revenue generating data bundle during the month. A user is defined as being active if they are paying a contractual monthly fee for this service or have used the service during the reported month Free cash flow Cash generated from operations less additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, tax paid, net finance charges paid and net dividends received/paid and movements in amounts due to M- Pesa account holders M-Pesa customers M-Pesa customers are based on the number of unique users who have generated revenue related to M-Pesa during the last month South Africa Vodacom (Pty) Limited, a private limited liability company duly incorporated in accordance with the laws of South Africa and its subsidiaries, joint ventures and SPV's. ARPU Total ARPU is calculated by dividing the sum of the customer and incoming revenue for the period by the average monthly active customers during the period International International comprises the segment information relating to the non-South African-based cellular networks in Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique and Lesotho as well as the operations of Vodacom International Limited (Mauritius) and Vodacom Business Africa Group (Pty) Limited and its subsidiaries MOU Minutes of use per month is calculated by dividing the average monthly minutes (traffic) during the period by the average monthly active customers during the period Normalised growth (*) Normalised growth, which presents performance on a comparable basis. This adjusts for trading foreign exchange, foreign currency fluctuation on a constant currency basis (using the current period as base) and excludes the impact of merger, acquisition and disposal activities at a constant currency basis where applicable, to show a like-for-like comparison of results. Operating free cash flow Cash generated from operations less additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets other than licence and spectrum payments and purchases of customer bases, net of proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, other than license and spectrum payments and disposals of customer bases and movements in amounts due to M-Pesa account holders. HEPS Headline earnings per share 37 Further together
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