Improving Domestic Violence Responses in Rhode Island
Funding and Resources
Needs: Sustained investment in resources to more inclusively support victims and survivors and increase
responsivity of services targeting DV offenses
Strengths: Interdisciplinary expertise among the Executive Working Group and desire from other
stakeholders to assist in increasing availability and accessibility of services
Intercept O: Community Services
Funding and resources to meet the spectrum of victim and
survivor needs are constrained, impacting service delivery
and relationships among providers.
Intercept 1: Law Enforcement and Child Welfare
Law enforcement advocates are a vital partnership, but not all
law enforcement agencies have access to, or utilize
partnerships with, advocates.
Intercept 3: Interventions in the Community
Individuals face financial barriers to accessing BIP.
Treatment is not always linguistically or culturally
Intercept 4: Corrections and Community Reentry
DV caseloads among probation and parole officers are
surpassing regular caseloads.
There has not been consistent funding for the victim
advocate role at RIDOC.
Intercept 2: Initial Detention and Court Hearings
Victims and survivors, as well as court staff, highly value
relationships with legal advocates.
The Council of State Governments Justice Center | 37View entire presentation