Investor Presentaiton
This presentation and any materials provided (materials) have been prepared by
Bubs Australia Limited (Bubs) and contains general information about Bubs activities.
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For personal use only
Bubs Australia
Terms and Conditions
This presentation is provided for information purposes only. The information contained in this presentation is not intended to be relied upon as advice to
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individual financial circumstances and consider talking to a financial adviser or consultant before making any investment decision.
Certain statements in this presentation may constitute forward looking statements. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties,
assumptions and other important factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company and which may cause actual results, performance or
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While all reasonable care has been taken in relation to the preparation of this presentation, none of the Company, its subsidiaries, or their respective directors,
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Past performance is not indicative of future performance and no guarantee of future returns is implied or given.
Some of the information in this presentation is based on unaudited financial data which may be subject to change.
All values are expressed in Australian currency unless otherwise stated.
All intellectual property, proprietary and other rights and interests in this presentation are owned by the Company.View entire presentation