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Corporate Presentation

Obesity Dapiglutide Dapiglutide is a potential first-in-class GLP-1R/GLP-2R dual agonist for obesity and low-grade inflammation Design of molecule ZEAL& ZEALAND PHARMA Positioning opportunities and differentiation Dapiglutide is derived from a GLP-2 peptide backbone with amino acid substitutions to 'dial in' GLP-1R activity Obesity - pursuing ≥20% weight loss ů GLP-1 component reduces body weight and GLP-2 has potential for additional anti-inflammatory effects¹ Safety and tolerability - similar to other GLP-1RA- based weight-loss medications Designed with higher potency towards the GLP-1R while retaining activity on the GLP-2R2 Cardiovascular benefits - potential cardioprotective benefits from GLP-1 agonism and additional anti- inflammatory effect from GLP-2 agonism Long-acting with a half-life (123–129 hours) that is suitable for once-weekly administration³ Comorbidities - potential for regenerative effects to address organ damage associated with low-grade inflammation, such as NASH and Alzheimer's disease Sources: 1. Drucker & Yusta. Annu Rev Physiol 2014;76:561-583; 2. Reiner et al. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2022;46(5):1107-1118; 3. Data presented by Agersnap at the 82nd ADA Scientific Sessions, June 3-7, 2022. GLP-1-glucagon-like peptide-1; GLP-1R-glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor; GLP-2-glucagon-like peptide-2; GLP-2R-glucagon-like peptide-2 receptor. Intellectual property: Composition of matter, patent expiry in 2037. Patent-term extension up to 5 years, i.e. 2042. Potential rights beyond 2042 based on patent applications and additional elements. 19
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