Golden Zone Project Investment Overview slide image

Golden Zone Project Investment Overview

Jungo Property - Drill Deeper on Major Geophysical Proposed Holes, Grab Sample Results, Gossans; North Part of Property N L1, L2 B1, B2 C Target D Gossan + 570 2023 PDH D - Planned Hole SH8 SH9 SH10 SH11 Target 25.0 4 2.5 +50 15.0 10.0 1+2.5 AVIDIAN 1500 1350 1200 1050 900 750 Elevation (m) Grab Sample Result 0-25 ppb Au 26-200 ppb Au 201-500 ppb Au 501-1000 ppb Au >1000 ppb Au Chargeability Cross Section: Historic drill hole SH10 stopped just short of anomaly, ended in altered intrusive with quartz veinlets and disseminated sulphides. Assays showed increasing Au & As with increasing depth. Final portion of hole SH- 10 (shown in white above) assayed 0.11 g/t Au and 6,249 ppm over 59.5 m PDH D' - Proposed Drill Hole to test the chargeability anomaly along this section line at north end of system, adjacent to a magnetic low. Permitted, Bonded & Drill Ready Proposed Drill Hole Historical Drill Hole 0 250 500 Meters TSX-V: AVG & OTC: AVGDF 8
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