Investor Presentaiton
Q3 2018 - Key Performance Indicators [Bank]
NDB bank
Profitability Indicators [Vs. Q3 2018]
Pre-tax core banking profits up by 43% - LKR 6.4 bn
NII up by 39% - LKR 10.6 bn
Net fee & comm income up by 25% - LKR 2.3 bn
Total op. income up by 30% - LKR 15.6 bn
Total op. expenses increase 13% - LKR 6.2 bn
PAT growth of 22% - LKR 4.0 bn
Group PAS up by 42% - LKR 3.6 bn
Balance Sheet Indicators [Vs. FY 2017]
Total assets of LKR 458 bn impressive 20% growth
Net loans to customers of LKR 328 bn - growth of
Customer deposits of LKR 329 bn - growth of 20%
Total assets [Group] - LKR 463 bn
Efficiency & Return Ratios [Vs. FY 2017]
Cost to Income Ratio improved to 39.4% from
Net Interest Margin improved to 3.36% from 3.0%
Return on Average Equity improved to 16.95%
from 16.27%
Return on average assets improved to 1.23%
from 1.21%
Business Capacity Ratios [Vs. FY 2017]
Loans to Deposits Ratio of 102%
Tier I Capital and Total Capital Adequacy ratios well
above the statutory minimum requirements
applicable for 2018 (Tier I - 8.37%; Tier II - 12.13%)
Liquidity Coverage Ratios [Rupee & All currency]
well above the statutory minimum requirements
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