Investor Presentaiton
Key Financial Highlights - 9M.2023
חברת החשמל
Israel Electric
Net Financial
Debt (1)
NIS 19.4 billion
NIS 4.6 billion
NIS 37.9 billion
NIS 5.1 billion
Credit Ratings
IEC Global
Baa1 Review for downgrade (Moody's)
BBB+ Stable (S&P)
IEC Local Stable (Midroog)
ilAAA Stable (Maalot S&P)
Source: IEC's Financial Statements for 9M.2023
Net financial debt is a non-GAAP measure that is defined as credit from banks and other credit providers, plus total long-term debt (including debentures, long-term liabilities to banks, including hedge
transactions, liabilities to the State of Israel), leases liabilities and CPI linkage differentials regulatory deferral account, cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, long and short term receivables in
respect of forward contracts and swap transactions, and long-term deposits to secure swap transactions.
IEC defines "EBITDA" as a Normalized EBITDA - profit (loss) before income taxes, financial expenses, depreciation and amortization, including movement in regulatory deferral accounts, while neutralizing
special non-current events
Financial Figures presented in USD according to an average USD/NIS exchange rate of 3.64 as of 9M.2023
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