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Investor Presentaiton

MORGAN STANLEY BANK ASIA LIMITED UNAUDITED SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION Year ended 31 December 2020 A. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (CONTINUED) Key Board Committees (continued) (b) Board Remuneration and Culture, Values and Conduct Committee Three Board members sit on the Board Remuneration and Culture, Values and Conduct Committee including two Independent Non-Executive Directors and one Non-Executive Director. The Board Remuneration and Culture, Values and Conduct Committee is chaired by an Independent Non- Executive Director and meets at least twice a year. The Board Remuneration and Culture, Values and Conduct Committee's responsibility is to assist the Board in discharging its responsibility for the design and operation of the Company's remuneration system, and the oversight of the Company's culture, values and conduct programme. The Board has delegated to the Board Remuneration and Culture, Values and Conduct Committee the authority to approve the remuneration packages for the Company's senior management and key personnel with a view to creating a remuneration system that incentivises proper employee behavior, and to oversee the implementation of the Company's culture, values and conduct programme. (c) Board Risk Committee The Board Risk Committee comprises three Board members, including two Independent Non- Executive Directors and one Non-Executive Director. The Board Risk Committee meets at a minimum of 4 times a year and is chaired by an Independent Non-Executive Director. The Board Risk Committee oversees key financial and non-financial risk related matters and risk governance and recommends to the Board the Company's risk appetite statements. It also reviews annually the Company's risk management strategy and policy, and reviews and ensures that the Company has appropriate manpower resources, infrastructure and other resources and systems to identify, assess, monitor, and manage risks. (d) Board Nomination Committee Three Board members sit on the Board Nomination Committee including two Independent Non- Executive Directors and one Non-Executive Director. The Board Nomination Committee is chaired by an Independent Non-Executive Director and meets as frequently as is properly required to carry out its functions and at least once a year. The Board Nomination Committee is responsible for assisting and providing guidance to the Board in relation to the appointment of board members, and the assessment of board performance for the Company. Key Management Committees (a) Management Committee The Management Committee is chaired by the Chief Executive of the Company and meets monthly. The Management Committee oversees the operations of the Company and provides a regular forum for business leaders across the Company to identify and discuss key issues and actions that need to be taken to fulfill the Company's strategy. (b) Bank Risk Committee The Bank Risk Committee is chaired by the Chief Executive of the Company and meets monthly. The Bank Risk Committee provides a regular forum for senior representatives of the Company to oversee the risk management practices within the Company. 64
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