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Investor Presentaiton

Relevant ESG indicators ПCEMEX Building a better future Carbon strategy 1H22 1H21 2021 Customers and suppliers 2Q22 2Q21 2021 Kg of CO2 per ton of cementitious 574 599 591 Net Promoter Score (NPS) 66 68 70 Alternative fuels (%) 33% 28% 29% % of sales using CX Go 59% 66% 62% Clinker factor 74.5% 76.1% 75.8% Low-carbon products 1H22 1H21 2021 Health and safety 1H22 1H21 2021 Blended cement as % of total cement Employee fatalities 1 0 1 74% 70% 68% produced Employee L-T-I frequency rate 0.5 0.5 0.5 Vertua concrete as % of total 32% 20% 20% Operations with zero fatalities and 98% 98% 95% injuries (%) 24
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