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Investor Presentaiton

2. Details of Consolidated Financial Forecast for FY18 (2) Financial Forecast by Segment (i) Facilities management FY18 (Forecast) FY17 (Results) Initial forecast (May 2018) Items Change Amount affected due Rate of Change Difference Ratio Ratio Ratio to TIAT consolidation Amount affected due to TIAT consolidation Millions of yen % Millions of yen Millions of yen % Millions of yen % Millions of yen % Millions of yen Millions of yen Sales to external customers Rent revenues 17,500 20.3 4,000 13,278 22.0 4,221 31.8 17,594 21.1 3,983 -94 6. Facility user charges revenues 43,700 50.6 24,700 18,754 31.0 24,945 133.0 42,946 51.6 23,968 753 Other revenues 19,800 23.0 -8,200 26,410 43.7 -6,610 -25.0 20,105 24.1 -7,388 -305 Subtotal 81,000 93.9 20,500 58,443 96.7 22,556 38.6 80,646 96.8 20,563 353 Intersegment sales 5,300 6.1 3,500 2,007 3.3 3,292 163.9 2,693 3.2 839 2,606 Total 86,300 100.0 24,000 60,451 100.0 25,848 42.8 83,339 100.0 21,403 2,960 Operating expenses Operating income 72,900 84.5 16,200 53,736 88.9 19,163 35.7 75,079 90.1 18,334 -2,179 13,400 15.5 7,800 6,714 11.1 6,685 99.6 8,260 9.9 3,068 5,139 (Ratio) (15.5%) ( 11.1%) 4.4P) 9.9%) (5.6P) ⚫ Rent revenues: . International terminal rental income Increase in leasable space from opening of "THE HANEDA HOUSE" etc. • Facility user charges revenues: Fees for use of passenger facilities for international flights, etc. O Other revenues: Increase in fees for use of passenger facilities for domestic flights Revenues from parking fees, paid airport lounges, advertising fees, etc. for international terminal +3.9 billion +0.2 billion +24.7 billion +0.2 billion Revenues from paid airport lounges, advertising fees, etc. for domestic terminal Increase in income from hotel business Decrease in subcontracted work revenues, etc. Decrease in Haneda international terminal commissioned facility management revenues from consolidation + 4.6 billion +0.4 billion +0.1 billion 0.7 billion 9.8 billion * Upon distributing expenses between the facilities management and the merchandise sales segments, differences between the initial forecasts and the results were corrected in the full-year forecast. 30 Note: Figures shown are rounded down to the nearest million yen.
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