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Investor Presentaiton

Back to Table of Contents CR6: AIRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range - Non-Retail a (in $ millions) PD scale Original on- balance sheet gross exposures b Off- balance sheet exposures pre-CCF C d e f g h j k I Average CCF EAD post- CRM and post-CCF Average PD (2) Number of (3) obligors Average LGD (4) Average maturity (6) (5) RWA RWA density (8) EL (7) Provisions Corporate - Other 0.00 to <0.15 88,097 157,469 58% 180,958 0.09% 2,270 41.83% 2.09 46,993 26.0% 69 0.15 to <0.25 34,296 42,822 46% 54,566 0.18% 1,751 47.00% 2.28 24,068 44.1% 47 0.25 to <0.50 51,666 43,464 43% 69,061 0.29% 5,366 43.93% 2.09 34,697 50.2% 89 0.50 to <0.75 0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.0% 0.75 to <2.50 20,961 16,046 35% 25,912 1.00% 3,059 41.64% 2.01 20,592 79.5% 108 2.50 to <10.00 2,789 2,806 23% 3,136 3.27% 408 42.36% 1.90 3,635 115.9% 44 10.00 to <100.00 756 602 27% 886 28.65% 53 52.61% 1.84 2,500 282.2% 135 100.00 (Default) Sub-total 669 125 64% 669 100.00% 78 46.32% 1.69 2,174 324.8% 208 199,234 263,334 52% 335,188 0.52% 12,985 43.13% 2.11 134,659 40.2% 700 545 Corporate - Specialized Lending 0.00 to <0.15 9,758 10,662 63% 17,312 0.10% 229 41.32% 2.27 4,713 27.2% 7 0.15 to <0.25 14,033 9,877 55% 19,638 0.18% 465 38.20% 1.83 6,373 32.5% 14 0.25 to <0.50 14,652 10,369 52% 19,138 0.28% 853 39.90% 1.73 8,051 42.1% 21 0.50 to <0.75 0% 0.00% - 0.00% 0.0% - 0.75 to <2.50 1,416 362 29% 1,416 1.07% 118 44.25% 1.59 1,208 85.3% 7 2.50 to <10.00 149 41 41% 166 3.84% 8 44.53% 1.44 208 125.6% 3 10.00 to <100.00 57 6 15% 58 53.21% 7 44.68% 1.05 123 211.9% 14 100.00 (Default) 210 34 99% 244 100.00% 6 47.11% 1.22 Sub-total 40,275 31,351 56% Total 420,235 308,597 52% 57,972 582,223 0.69% 0.46% 1,686 15,270 39.90% 33.37% 1.92 2.03 1,022 21,698 165,308 419.5% 38 37.4% 104 73 28.4% 929 624 Scotiabank Supplementary Regulatory Capital Disclosure Page 50 of 88
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