Investor Presentaiton
Slide No. 2
Post-Fukushima Nuclear Safety Scheme
-In Search of a Confluence of Nature and Science―
Here in Stockholm, the Author Wishes to Share the Lessens Learned from
the Bitter but Valuable Experience at the Fukushima Tragedy:
Toward A More Robust, Effective and Efficient,
Versatile and Resilient, and Collaborative Scheme
1. Personal Memories: Japan and Sweden
As a Japanese who cherishes enduring memories
connecting the two countries in difficult times,
especially a memorable friendship between
Swedish Generals (Helge Victor Jung and Carl August Ehrenswärd) and
an Imperial Japanese Army General (Makoto Onodera).
2. Personal Memories: Japan and China
As a Japanese whose grandfather, a captain of Japan's ocean liner, had a
lot of Chinese friends including Admiral Sà Zhènbing () prior to the
tragic wars between the two countries, and whose father, former chairman of
the Japan Library Association, was frequently invited by the Chinese national
and Shanghai municipal governments.
Jun KURIHARA, Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS)View entire presentation