Investor Presentaiton
Business Definitions
BPD: the number of barrels per calendar day of crude oil or petroleum products.
Blenders Tax Credit (BTC): Federal tax credit where qualified biodiesel blenders are eligible for an income tax credit of $1.00 per gallon of biodiesel or renewable diesel that is blended with
petroleum diesel.
Biodiesel (FAME): a fuel derived from vegetable oils or animal fats that meet the requirements of ASTM D 6751. Biodiesel is made through a chemical process called transesterification where
glycerin is separated from the fat or vegetable oil leaving behind methyl esters (biodiesel) and byproduct glycerin. In the presentation we also refer to this as traditional biodiesel.
California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS): California program that mandates the reduction in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by 20% by 2030
Carbon Intensity (CI): the amount of carbon emitted per unit of energy consumed, under LCFS it is a "well-to-wheels" analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in transportation fuel, meaning
emissions are quantified from feedstock cultivation through combustion.
California Air Resources Board (CARB): California's clean air agency that administers the LCFS program.
California Reformulated Gasoline Blend stock for Oxygenate Blending (CARBOB): a petroleum-derived liquid which is intended to be, or is represented as, a product that will constitute
California gasoline upon the addition of a specified type and percentage (or range of percentages) of oxygenate to the product after the product has been supplied from the production or import
facility at which it was produced or imported.
IDR: Incentive Distribution Rights
Lubricant: a solvent neutral paraffinic product used in commercial heavy duty engine oils, passenger car oils and specialty products for industrial applications such as heat transfer, metalworking,
rubber and other general process oil.
Rack Backward: business segment of HF LSP that captures the value between feedstock cost and base oil market prices (transfer prices to rack forward).
Rack Forward: business segment of HF LSP that captures the value between bas oil market prices and product sales revenue from customers.
RBOB: Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygen Blending
Refined Bleached Deodorized Soybean Oil (RBD SBO): primary feedstock for FAME Biodiesel currently in the U.S. accounting for 50% of biodiesel production. Soybean Oil is produced by
crushing Soybeans which yield 20% Oil and 80% meal. Crude Soybean Oil is then processed (refined) removing impurities, color and odor.
Renewable Diesel (RD): a fuel derived from vegetable oils or animal fats that meets the requirements of ASTM 975. Renewable diesel is distinct from biodiesel. It is produced through various
processes, most commonly through hydrotreating, reacting the feedstock with hydrogen under temperatures and pressure in the presence of a catalyst. Renewable Diesel is chemically identical to
petroleum based diesel and therefore has no blend limit.
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): national policy administered by EPA requiring a specified volumes of different renewable fuels (primary categories are ethanol and biodiesel) that must replace
petroleum-based transportation fuel.
Renewable Identification Number (RIN): a serial number assigned to each batch of biofuel produced until that gallon is blended with gasoline or diesel resulting in the separation of the RIN to be
used for compliance. RIN category (D-code) is assigned for each renewable fuel pathway determined by feedstock, production process and fuel type.
D6 RIN (Renewable Fuel) - corn based ethanol, must reduce lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20%
■ D5 RIN (Advanced Biofuel) - any renewable biomass except corn ethanol that reduces lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50%
D4 RIN (Biomass-based Diesel) - biodiesel and renewable diesel, must reduce lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50%
Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO): the required volume in gallons of biofuel refiners are obligated to blend into the gasoline and diesel pool. EPA sets volumetric standard which are then
converted to percent standards based on EIA's projected gasoline and diesel consumption.
Equivalence Value (EV): a number used to determine how many RINS can be generated from one gallon of renewable fuel based on the energy content (Btu/gallon) and renewable content of a
fuel compared to Ethanol. Ethanol EV is 1.0 RIN per gallon. Biodiesel is 1.5 RINs per gallon and Renewable Diesel is 1.7 RINs per gallon.
Sour Crude: crude oil containing quantities of sulfur greater than 0.4 percent by weight, while "sweet crude oil" means crude oil containing quantities of sulfur equal to or less than 0.4 percent by
WCS: Western Canada Select crude oil, made up of Canadian heavy conventional and bitumen crude oils blended with sweet synthetic and condensate diluents.
WTI: West Texas Intermediate, a grade of crude oil used as a common benchmark in oil pricing. WTI is a sweet crude oil and has a relatively low density.
WTS: West Texas Sour, a medium sour crude oil.
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