Investor Presentaiton
Green property occupied by blue-chip Tenant
Blue-chip Tenant
Daiwa HouseⓇ
✓ The entire property is leased to Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd. ("Mitsubishi Shokuhin❞ or
"Tenant"), an existing tenant in DHLT's portfolio
✓ On a pro forma basis and including the Vietnam Acquisition¹, the contribution from Mitsubishi
Shokuhin to DHLT (by NPI)² would increase from 18.9% to 20.3%
Tenant is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Tenant is one of the largest food distributors in Japan.
The properties in DHLT's portfolio rented by the Tenant are utilised to
serve a diversified range of customers in the food and beverages,
grocery supplies, medical goods and chemical products sectors
Green Building
✓ Property is green rated by the Building
Energy-efficiency Labelling System with
the highest rating of 5 stars
Solar panels with a capacity of 0.8 MWp
installed on the rooftop, bringing the
total solar energy capacity of the
DHLT's portfolio to 16.1 MWp, upon
completion of the Acquisition
(1) Assuming the Vietnam Acquisition completes simultaneously on 1 January 2023 and that the lease agreement with the tenant of the Vietnam
Property was in place from 1 January 2023.
(2) Based on NPI for the nine-month period ended 30 September 2023 ("9M2023") and the percentage of NPI was calculated and adjusted based
on the NPI of each property in DHLT's portfolio and allocated to the respective tenants by the proportion of NLA the tenants occupy in the
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